Friday, September 7, 2012

Did she die yet? A book about Queen Victoria's assassination attempts

New York Times' bestseller list can be a mixed bag, and Shooting Victoria mostly fell into that category. It paints an amazingly detailed picture of the context and circumstances surrounding several assassination "attempts" on Queen Victoria. This was either a carefully researched book or an artistically embellished one. The first shot on the young queen's life was by a disillusioned young man who designed a whole scheme surrounding his assassination attempt. [SPOILER ALERT] He went to some pains to completely fabricate a group that conspired to kill the queen, whereas it was really just he, and he alone, who shot in an overacted dramatic scene with two (likely unloaded) dueling pistols.

Shooting Victoria contained a great deal of interesting historical tidbits, and painted a rather clear picture of life for the royals as well as the paupers during the aptly named era. The story did drag on for quite a bit, considering you know she doesn't die in these attempts.

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